The Kujaku, also known as the Peacock Koi carp is a stunning and popular fish that is desired by both new hobbyists and veteran koi keepers alike. In this Discussions we dive into the Kujaku and teach the origins of this desirable variety. This tutorial will cover the history, identification and development of the carp, where it came from to where it's going. The Peacock koi has a white platinum base, a desirable pattern, and a laced reticulation in the scales.
Our tutorial video series is designed to Educate, Inspire, and showcase the beauty, art, and history of Japanese koi. World Renowned Koi Expert Shawn McHenry offers us a very special insight to the discussions including behind the scenes stories from his trips to Japan to acquire rare and unusual fish for his clients. We gain the most incredible insight from Shawn's experience, his warm personality, and his ever changing collection of beautiful fish he brings in for sale.